Work with me

One on One Mentoring

I deeply believe, we are here to expand our ability love and of experiencing deep connection within us and with something, that is bigger than us.
My work through shamanism and music helps people to access and bring more love and belonging into their life experience.

I work with individuals and groups on creating expansion in order to grow a life, that is based on a deep inner connection.

I am happy to support you, if you want to deepen your shamanic path as mesa keeper, when you want to live more on purpose, finding your medicine, or when you want to raise and master your energy as a sensitive empath.

Deepening your shamanic path

You are already on your shamanic path?
You have already done shamanic trainings?
You have a full mesa, chumpi mesa and you wanna deepen your knowledge about and your relation to your medicine stones?

In the last five years of my shamanic Mesa School I help many shamanic practitioners to deepen their relation to their mesa, eventhough they had already done long and full certified trainings.
You can learn hundreds of techniques and attend many trainings, but the shamanic path with a mesa is about your personal relationship to your stones.

Most practitioners that come to me, complain, that they use their mesa only for giving healing sessions. They miss self healing practices with their mesa.

During my fifteen years of walking the shamanic path with my mesa, I collected beautiful and diverse wisdom how to work with your mesa – your cosmos.

This is why mesa keepers from all over the world get into contact with me, because they met one of my students somewhere in the Andes or Bali and they are amazed about the deep connection my students have with their medicine stones.
They learned how to channel the elements, the stars, the mountains, secret temple energies through the stones, in order to restore balance in the body.

They hold their mesa as a cosmos, that helps them to be balanced in their energetic, emotional and mental body, to expand into all that they are.

One on one is an advanced mentoring to deepen your path. We can discover where you are at, in your shamanic journey with your mesa and what you need to open the full power of your mesa for you.

If you are new to this shamanic tradition, please check my Mesa School programs.

To get a discovery call, please take ten minutes to fill out this form of intention.

Living on purpose

There are two important things, that we need to know about ourselves, in order to live a meaningful live and to walk our path with self-confidence, knowing who we are.

We need to know our own superpower, a unique gift, that we have, that allows us to be fully aware of our radiating medicine wherever we go.
Second, we need to find our WHY. Our Why is our motivation for life. It is something, that our soul has inherent. We don’t need to develop it. It has been always there. This WHY is the base to helps us to live on purpose and letting go of all confusions about why we are here, what our path is.

In order to find your superpower and our WHY, you need somebody, that is looking at you from the outside, questioning the right things and leading you through a process of discovery.

Living on purpose is a full month one on one mentoring.
To get your personal discovery call, please take ten minutes to fill out this form of intention.

Raise your energy

I am an Empath, super sensitive and since I was a child I felt like a sponge – absorbing everything around me. All the years of shamanic practices helped me to learn to master my energybody and regulating it instantly, when somethings happens around me.
Mastering your energy is one part, of not picking up energies anymore. But there is more we need to establish, in order to step into our full power as empath.

Are you a therapist or healer and you still feel leaking energy, picking up so many things around you, having difficulties to be with others or to go out, then I can help you.

Because even as healer in my first eight years, I was so tired of cleansing myself always and so often. It was effective and helped, but it was bothering me. Why can’t I have a normal life?, I asked myself often.
Today I can proudly say: I am done with this topic. Found it, solved it, got it! High Five!

Because the first step is to learn to master your energy system fully. Being empowered by learning certain techniques and practices.
But then you need a second step. Otherwise you get stuck in an endless bothering row of cleansing and overdosed selfcare.
And this is to fully embody your Soulenergy.
That means – fully express your truth, being who you are. If you are still suppressing parts of who you are, you will always leak energy, because you do not allow to be filled up completely with the energy that you are.
This concerns your work, your relationships, your friendships, your degree of liberated sexuality and lifestyle – all areas of your Life.
YES – it’s a huge field to discover. But if you keep hiding yourself, you will always leak energy.

I am happy to support you in a personalized mentoring to establish a energetic practice to master your energy system and to look at your individual leaks, where you have problems to live your truth in order to fully embody your Soul energy.

To get a discovery call, please take ten minutes to fill out this form of intention.

What people say about working with me

Mesa School Graduate

“Dear Madita,
I am really excited about how you guard the valuable “old knowledge”, share it with us with joy and at the same time transport it fully into the NOW and not stick rigidly to anything.
Thank you for reminding me that my Life is an AND-world, from where I can now discover the new meaning.
Thanks for reminding me that I can give up control and what doors it opens.
Thank you, that I slowly start to understand what you mean by “holding my space” and for always repeating this topic.
Thank you for the new look at fear, something is still going on and has started to move.
Thank you for your authenticity, I would like to embody it as well more in my work.
Thank you for your humor and at the same time total clarity about where you go.”

Souljourney Participant

“Hello Madita,
I wanted to write to you after my hotseat from April 16th.
At the right time, in the right place and someone speaks the right words that fall on well-prepared ground. Everything was perfect!

So a big thank you for the words you said.
It freed up a lot and made me aware.
As you know, this isn’t the first time I’ve felt this way in my soul journey ;o).
A great trip that enriches me a lot :o))). Thanks!!!
I’m really looking forward to our next session!”

Souljourney Participant

“Dear Madita, 
I am still in tears and want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

I had dreamed of finding within me something of your connection, of your presence and strength, even a small part of the great love that you radiate. 
It was a hope, a dream and in these 2 days I learned something important, it is no longer just a dream, but a possibility, a potential within me that I can now perceive.
I can’t stop crying for joy and I don’t know how to thank you except by opening my heart, saying thank you and not losing that path again. 
I’m looking forward to the coming days and weeks to integrate all of this, intensify it and discover all its facets.”

Mesa School Graduate

“Dear Madita,
how amazing was this session today!
I am completely blown away and my life seems too narrow, too small, whatever, it was great!
And I found your energies very impressive – such purity, authenticity, clarity and radiance, powerful and yet gentle.
Mega Mega Mega
And these temples, this layer… what a magnificent work is revealed to us through you, how cool we can now take care of ourselves, feel, love, explode, be thanks to your work.
Simply mega!